Standard design: Short Stop Terminal
Management of 1 or 2 parking spaces.
Option for 2mm stainless steel.
Possible customisation.
95% recyclable in compliance with ROHS and DEEE guidelines.
RAL colour choice.
Fixed by 200x200 plate (standard solid concrete).
Riveted panelled 20/10thmm thick aluminium assembly.
Aluminium body, 3mm stainless treated steel foot.
Rear door with anti-vandalism lock, 3-point closure.
Low natural ventilation.
On concrete foundation slab, on concrete block with sealed rods or stainless-steel installation support.
The STATIO’Minute terminal is equipped with a vehicle detector which authorises parking for a limited time that can be configured and adapted to the characteristics of the parking space:
Parking rules are indicated using a display or signage.
The modification of terminal settings and messages can be made at any time via a web interface.
In the event the time limit is exceeded, the user is warned by a flashing red light.
The offense is transmitted electronically in real-time to response services.